Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kyoto Part I

It's been long time. Because I just came back from a trip to Japan. I had a trip with my company last week, we went to Kyoto and Osaka. It was nice. I went shopping and hiking and sight seeing. Kyoto is such a beautiful, old city, people are nice, food is great and boys are cute. But I was so tired every night during the whole journey, cause the traffic is not too good, we almost went everywhere by foot. But anyways, I took pictures. That's what bloggers do, right? Take pictures, and write of course.


If you have been following my instagram, you probably saw every dishes I posted before.

Went to hiking the next morning. The view was breath-takingly stunning, it was like in some movie scenes. I was so lucky to go there.

Kyoto Part 2 is coming up next.


  1. These photos are amazing!
    I completely agree with you- as a blogger who travels here and there, I always worry about taking photos for my blog! haha
    You are so pretty btw! I love your hair! :)


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